What is Pyxis?

Hi! Welcome to Pyxis.
If you’re a young person reading this, what we really want you to know is that Pyxis was started by two good friends, Richard and Paul. Over the years, we often turned to each other to work out what to do in different “life and social skills” situations (and still do!).
We wanted to talk about these situations with young people, and help them to talk about these with each other. We also noticed that lots of the young people we have worked with over the years go to lots of places that they find difficult, and we wanted to create some spaces that feel easier to be in. We’ve been helped to do this by different people - most importantly the young people we work with.
We think this is a good phrase to use to explain all of the things we do when we interact with anyone or anything in the world around us.
For example, life and social skills are the skills you need to get through the school day, make and keep friends, go to the cinema or catch a bus.
If you’re interested in coming to something that we run, then this is a good page to show to the adults in your life. The information below is aimed more at them, but please feel free to read it too.
Our Vision & Mission
Pyxis was born from the belief that young people who experience difficulty with their “life and social skills” can improve them if given the right support. We believe that this contributes to them having independent lives, successful relationships and fulfilling careers.
Over time, we have come to the view that the best way to support these young people is to create spaces where they feel that they are safe and supported. Our focus has become about creating spaces for connection with other young people and professionals, in order to learn about themselves, each other, and the world around them. We think that supported by these relationships, young people can navigate what often feel like confusing and unmanageable challenges. Take a look at the Our Journey page to see how our ideas have developed.

Who Are We?
Most of all, we pride ourselves on being approachable people who are passionate about what we do.
Amongst our founders, mentors and our volunteers, we have a wide range of expertise and experience in our team. This is really important to us, as Pyxis is based on the belief that there are lots of different ways of acting in any life and social skills scenario, and that there is value in lots of different viewpoints.
Take a look at the Meet The Team page to find out more about our experiences and our skills.